

Feb 18, 2014 at 08:21

After spending an afternoon in A&E department of the local hospital on a saline drip, I felt it might be a good time to review the issue dehydration. Some material on hydration is covered here. Even being aware of drinking water and making the effort to do so may not be enough. The quality and the addition of toxic chemicals makes it difficult to consume, digest and assimilate water. Assimilation is one point many people seem to lack an understanding of. Drinking water does not mean it is getting into the body,or into the cells and being utilised in a useful manner.

Dr Marc Sircus posted this interesting piece:

Dehydration, Inflammation & Cancer

We may not be accessing high quality water within a healthy pH range. Our water may be slightly to moderately acidic. It needs to be alkaline (pH 7.2 or above). All the beverages we consume, including milk, tea, coffee, alcohol, fruit juices are treated as food and must be processed first and are usually acidic. There are many ways to improve the quality of water and i personally am looking into systems that can remove toxins and increase the alkalinity levels. An acidic body is a toxic body, simply drinking pH 7.2 or above water may have remarkable benefits to the body. Hydration is one of the first techniques taught in Motivational Kinesiology for a very good reason. First we need breath, then water, then food.

We go;

How interesting that most people are more aware of their hunger pains, than the signs of dehydration.