
Feel Good Now

Sep 18, 2014 at 13:12

These words along with Shut Up have been wonderful tools for staying in a constructive stimulating place. It was only recently i realised both these statements also have a shadow side, a dark unrecognised power to damage us.

Feel Good Now can become a form of avoidance and journey into the dark halls of denial. In it's sinister all encompassing grasp, we lose ourselves to the addiction, the need to be entertained. At what point did the nightly news become another form of entertainment, another string in the bow of the mind dumbing obsession with feeling good instead of being real. The truth is it has nothing to do with feeling good, it is all about not feeling and dealing with the garbage bin of unresolved trivia, the soul destroying mediocrity that passes as our lives due to our terror to step out of the matrix, wake up and be truly amazing.

There are no victims in the world, it is fascinating to watch the media circus and outpouring of synthetic emotion over the death of Robyn Williams. It is truly sad to lose such a talent, yet it was his choice and we would be better respecting his decision to leave what was obviously a hell hole for him. Humanity is a dark insipid, life sucking creature when we capitulate ourselves to the lowest level of intelligence, the need to be entertained. We take pleasure from movies where violence, abuse, sex and the mistreatment of others and all the soft media porn is served up to trickle our fancy. We as dispirited remnants of a once evolving species gorge ourselves on this brain numbing junk which every so cleverly locks us out of our hearts and imprisons us in a world of illusion.

Feel Good Now is a truly powerful technique to enhance, enrich and help us reach deep within and draw on the greatest power in the multiverses to influence the nature of matter itself. Yet the dark insidious shadow, slides unseen over our souls and blinds to our magnificence and power, we end up tuned to the idiot box choosing a life of watching artificial intelligence present as real life. We involve ourselves in endless talk feasts about our feelings instead of getting real and living those feelings from the magic of heartspace.

We hunger to avoid the reality of life, we cannot handle getting down and dirty in the rich kaleidoscope of our emotional selves. We lock ourselves into a narrow, high walled path, cocooned and limiting our creative genius so as not to disturb our equilibrium and the grand delusion. We spread the toxic poison of negativity while wearing an innocent smile, blindly ignorant that the world is a mess because we are muddying the water with our terror to be who we are. We spend our time working on self improvement and so little on being our authentic self.

Uncomfortable as this is being willing to admit we are better than this and accepting we may not recognise our part in the global train wreck that is unfolding is not going to stop it happening. Each and everyone has a part to play in making our lives and those of others a living inspiration. We either participate in the incredible mosaic of human evolution or we nurture and a world of slavery, violence and global domination of the few over the many.

Life is a gift, an exquisite, playful, ever expanding opportunity to create, create, create! Why waste in on mediocrity or even worse a normal life. No one is born to be norma, we are gods amongst gods, we stand on the giants who have gone before