
Finding the Magic in Misery

Aug 20, 2014 at 08:59

I smiled as i read this on a t-shirt today, Find the Magic in the Misery. It related to a website with a connection to running. As i sat reading, my mind wondered to the concept, so well known, yet ignored or deliberately avoided - sometimes negative stuff happens in our lives. As the old adage goes it is not what happens to us but we do about it that is important.

Life, at times, throws up some painful challenges that either, stop us in our tracks or make us more powerful. We can surrender to the negativity and the can't do attitude and transcend into anxiety or depression and other stress related issues or focus all our passion and skill on moving to a better place. At any time we can choose to feel good or feel bad about any situation. In the end it was our choice that governs the outcome.

As I wrote in another article recently Love lives on the other side of fear. Fear is our limitations, our unwillingness or our refusal to move forward or think and act differently, it is the lowest expression of love. At the other end of the spectrum, Love helps us dig deep within and come up with creative solutions to life's road bumps or brick walls. I had a client recently who could only imagine a brick wall in front of her. There seemed no way through. I had her visualise climbing on top of the wall, in that moment everything changes, she had a new perspective. Each turn in life's journey enriches us or robs us of our creative potential, the choice is ours.

Love and fear as simply ways to express our willingness to change and do the hard yards required to be, do and have what makes our hearts sing. Sometimes the events that seem totally negative, with no upside creates the opportunity to explore other parts of ourselves or other ways of experiencing life. relationships fail, we lose our jobs, someone close dies. We look only at what is in front of us and we can sense with our five primary senses. We sometimes fail to tune into our highest sense, intuition, the ability to know, the ability to resolve the issue for our highest good.

All stress related conditions, whether physical, mental or emotional are an opportunity to work through the misery and find the magic. We can look on them as a blessing or a curse. The results will be governed by this decision.We can create misery or create magic, it is a simple option, one or the other.

We all have situations that make us feel uncomfortable, what would happen if we looked for the gold, the magic? Nurturing an attitude of gratitude is a powerful tool for converting misery into magic. Searching for something from the experience that we can appreciate or find that space within where forgive still lingers is going to produce a better outcome than the slippery slope through depression, anxiety and all it's energy stealing relatives.

Life is a miracle that day in day out, unfolds before our eyes, only when they are open and we are awake. The march of the living dead is a dreary experience, that is best left untrodden. A choice , made moment after moment after moment to ask ourselves what would love do now is a past to salvation from our pain, limitations and suffering. A choice to live life and not just be an oxygen thief for the rest of our livers.

The beauty, magic, and exquisite creativity that surrounds us is open to all who choose this path, this road less travelled. Today is the best day of our lives to look for the magic beyond the misery and be part of creating a better world and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

Life can be a bitch, but even bitches need love before they show their true colours.

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