
Is Your Life Governed by Concepts

Dec 13, 2016 at 22:55

We tend the view the world through our left brain filters, the home of logic. Since the time of Descarte's battle to wrench power from the church we have lived in a schism. In trying to free up access to information and human evolution (or advancement for the creationists) we have become out of balance with an over focus on the "Give me the facts" approach to everything. I know from personal experience this approach goes seriously wrong in inter-personal relationships.

Is everything we do governed at it's core by our concepts, those mystical intangible ideas, thoughts and visions? The stuff of faith that religion holds to and terrifies the scientific community.

With the marriage of the two partners, spirituality (ideas, the intangible) and science (fact, the tangible) will we begin to see the whole picture, get a bigger view to how we operate as humans in a universe bigger than anything we can imagine?

What happens when we free the shackles of our educated brains?

What opportunities arise when we to focus all our creative abilities on finding solutions and joining the dots instead of reducing everything into smaller and smaller segments?

Concepts, ideas, visions, dreams, the intangible part of being human is the fertile soil for advancement. Once we conceive an idea we can apply our logical genius to making it tangible.

The intangible always precedes the tangible. As the saying goes "Conceive, Believe Achieve".

Do you spend enough time in the conception stage, day dreaming, visualising a better solution. Many do this by walking, doodling, spending time in nature, exercising, meditating or in prayer. Learning to become the Master of the Conceptional Stage opens up unbounded opportunities.

I am currently working with a client who has a concept of themselves which is limiting and stressful. The hardest part of the process is to move them back to the Conceptional Stage and address or rewrite the narrative. Their logical approach has become overbearing and limiting. We had to go back to the beginning, start again. They needed to look at options, consider the way she thought and felt about herself and begin to choose new options, write new chapters for herself. Opening her mind to other opportunities, finding her own narrative and then using her logical genius to create the roadmap for change and achievement became the way forward.

Henry Ford was on the mark with his quote. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't. You are right. It is the thinking that makes it so".

If you think you can, you will give it a go. If you listen to doubt and believe you can't, you won't. I find this time after time with people who are in the downward spiral of negative thinking. In my book, Kissing the Black Dog I offer multiple options to create an upward physical and emotional trajectory. Those with a glimmer of "I can" look at the options, those fixated on "I can't" are bound by their negative concepts, stay stuck. When we look closely enough, depression, anxiety and many of the conditions labelled as "mental" can be changed by addressing the very concepts and beliefs focussed around an "I can't" attitude. The core of the way we function is built on a concept, a myth or a lie, once we lock in and spend our lives manifesting, both in the negative and the positive.It is said "" and there is much truth in this. We believe what we believe and in many cases never challenge it. Facts in many cases are simply "" yet they hold sway over us.

Don Tolman is absolutely correct when he states "We are children of the Lie". The core of the way we function is built on a concept, a myth or a lie, one we lock in and spend our lives manifesting, both in the negative and the positive. It is said "Life is an illusion" and there is much truth in this. We believe what we believe and in many cases never challenge it. Facts in many cases are simply "other people's opinions" yet they hold sway over us.

Taking time to allow ourselves to explore the fertile world of the Conceptional Stage opens us unlimited potential for creative solutions to the issues we face in our lives.