
Kissing the Black Dog extract - Nov. 8 - neuroplasticity

Nov 8, 2014 at 07:36

Our brain is malleable, the old Black Dog can and in fact, does learn new tricks. My old cattle dog was a Master at finding new ways to do things.

Research is finding the brain, can in reality, change itself. Those practicing mediation or prayer, know this to be true, and there are many studies carried out to validate this process. We now know, we have the ability to solve problems, heal the mind and the body and recover from brain injuries. Neuroplasticity originates from the root words for neuron (nerve cells in our brain) and plastic (to mould, sculpt, or modify).

Imagine the brain as a massive collection of wires. Connections are made and linkages, formed that create a habit of thinking or behaving. Depression, anxiety and all the other stresses will have neural pathways laid down, which automatically fire when certain things happen in our environment. For example. we grew up with parents who bullied us. Over time the neural pathways, would be laid down and we would react the same way each time a situation of bullying occurred.


Kissing the Black Dog is due out late November. Pre -orders are being taken now.