
Mediocrity or Greatness 

Sep 25, 2014 at 16:54

 Great Spirits Have Always Met Violent Opposition from Mediocre Minds

- Albert Einstein 

The mediocre can never recognise greatness. They are deaf, dumb and blind to anything outside their little world view, their manicured self induced prison cell. To see the greatness in others would mean a paradigm shift, a recognition that the greatness that shines in another, also shines somewhere within.

It may struggle as a tiny flame, blown violently by the winds of fear, yet it flickers, ever so weakly. It lingers on, in the hope that one day it will rise like the Phoenix, in all its majesty and glory to light the way for those who walk the silent path of inspired living.

Mediocrity is the path well worn, the path of least resistance, the way of the coward. It is neither right or wrong, it is simply the easiest route to avoid being noticed or to take a stand, to count for something.

The Path of Greatness, is the shaman's journey of old, where all our fears, limitations and resistance's are brought to the surface to be healed. In previous times this was a physical challenge, beyond the bounds of the modern seekers. The physical tests were and are to severe for our softer modern nature.

The physiological tests of endurance may have changed little, to face being ostracised, banished, disassociated from friends and family can be terrifying for some. To have the courage to walk alone in one's truth is beyond the mediocre mind. Only those seeking greatness will tread this path. Not from ego, not from arrogance, although this is what they will be labelled. No, those that choose the shaman's journey, the path of truth have within them a burning ambition to make humanity great, not just themselves, every single living human being. Some reach out to honour all sentient beings, this is the realm of the true shaman, the sign of true greatness of spirit, the warrior/sage who understands the road to enlightenment involves travelling the dark pathways of our fears and limitations while holding their light aloft for others to follow.

Depression, anxiety and other stress related issues may be no more than the shaman afraid to set foot of the path to enlightenment, to scared to look beyond the fear and limitations that wall us into our little selves. Having the courage to take the first step out of self imposed hell and one foot after the other continue until we feel the rays of hope gently caressing our face as we walk into the rising sun of our own empowerment.

The path of self discovery seems to the little self a dangerous journey, we are unable to realise the limitations we accept are the poisons that eat at our soul, corrupt our brains and weaken our bodies.

Life is always more interesting when we look thought the eyes of our greatness. Is it time to focus on our greatness and let it shine?