
Motivational Kinesiology - Blood format

Dec 14, 2014 at 19:35

Motivational Kinesiology, like most kinesiology techniques is highly versatile and easily adapted to work with a multitude of issues. Below is a format I have just created for identifying and correcting energetic blood imbalances.

For more information on blood check this link

The format is as follows:

Blood - plasma - proteins - albumin - globulin - fibrinogen - hormones - body temperature - electrolytes - sodium - chlorine - potassium - manganese - calcium

Blood - erthrocytes (Red Blood Cells) - oxyhaemoglobin - oxygenation - cell oxygenation

Blood - leucocytes - (White Blood Cells) - granulocytes (polymorphonucleocytes) - basophils - heparin - histamine - seratonin - allergic reactions - inflammatory response.

Blood - leucocytes - (White Blood Cells) - granulocytes (polymorphonucleocytes) - neutrophils - phagocytosis - destruction of bacteria - lysozyme - strong oxidants.

Blood - leucocytes - (White Blood Cells) - granulocytes (polymorphonucleocytes) - eosinophils - histamine - allergic reactions - phagocytise - antigen complexes - antibody complexes - parasitic worms.

Blood - leucocytes - agranulocytes - monocytes - phagocytosis - approach stage - engulfing stage - digesting stage - completion stage

Blood - leucocytes - agranulocytes - lymphocytes - T-cells - thymus gland - antigens - memory cells - antibodies

Blood - leucocytes - agranulocytes - lymphocytes - B-cells - lymphoid tissue - antigens - memory cells - antibodies

Blood - leucocytes - agranulocytes - lymphocytes - natural killer cells

After using the format use the Motivational Kinesiology scan list to identify the correction.