
Shadow Dancing

Sep 16, 2014 at 06:52

Shadow Dancing.

Most people are governed, controlled and manipulated by their fears and limitations. They throw a shadow over us, sapping our energy, blinding us to our greater vision. Our shadow carries our shame, our problems, all the stuff we consider to be bad. It is our negativity made manifest.

Our shadow becomes the awe inspiring demon, eager to devour us, to eat us alive. it is all of our fears on steroids and must be kept hidden, buried, locked away. No one must ever meet our inner demon.

With so much energy feeding our negative self, yes we have one and no, it is not hidden, it shows up in people, situations and events that surface to rock the equilibrium of our delusion. Energy always seeks balance, the more we hide our negativity the more we draw it in to heal.

There is a natural flow in the universe, the more negative we are the more events or situations will appear so be transmuted to increase the positive. This is why positive thinking is a myth. We are suppressing and denying our negative self, while painting on the happy face of delusion.

As long as we hide our bad boy/girl or the good boy/girl, the more that energy will surface in other people, events or situations to push our buttons.

There is a beautiful myth in The Medicine Cards of a little fawn who hears Great Spirit calling and begins to walk the path to Sacred Mountain. The biggest nastiest, most evil archetype of a monster bars the little fawns path. It huffs and puffs, rants and raves (just like our inner demon does each and every day), and tells little fawn it may not pass.

Little Fawn thanks the demon and reminds it that it is going to sacred Mountain to meet with great Spirit. The sense of love, compassion and total focus on the end result, overcame the big bad monster and the illusion shattered and all that was left was a little walnut. Little fawn continued it's journey to sacred mountain by understanding one thing, one simple thing, there is nothing that is not love

Our shadow cannot exist without our permission, which we give by choosing to focus on it or by unconsciously giving it life. We are what we think, more importantly we are what we feel.

We may think we are being positive, yet in the shadows our our feelings lives our fears and limitations that vibrate their negative programmes to attract more of the same.

Being willing to change, willing to learn is part of the change process of shedding light on our shadow. Accepting we do not know can help shed light on the deceptions are shadow can manifest. With practice we can move to conscious competence at reprogramming the old into the healthy new. With time we can shift to unconscious competence, we focus on our best aspects without realising.

Denial of our shadow may be a big contributor to depression, anxiety and the other ragtag band of stress bandits. Bringing it out of the closet, addressing it lovingly and owning up to the best we have within us, allows the light to shine, where darkness ruled.

Denial is dangerous, it leaves us out of balance, disempowered and prone to attacking others for our own feelings of inadequacy.

Like the little fawn we can stand in our power, radiate our love and move forward in life. It really does come down to our choices. Society will tell you this is not true, there are victims, persecutors, good and bad, right and wrong.

For those who seek the truth, they know that we are the Master's of our Destiny, at times we cannot see how it is possible, yet carry on undaunted, staying true to the belief and centred on the why, the end result.

We cannot go grow beyond our shadow, our fears, limitations and unresolved pains, only bringing them into the light and loving the darkness within can address the problem and make way for the solution. Coming to a place where we can love our demons, returns the to power to us and divests us of our feelings of being powerless, a victim, at the mercy of the winds of change.

So when the time is right, take a step to the left, then to the right. Bends your knees and let's do the Love-warp again.

Both Motivational Kinesiology and Simply Love It can turn our liabilities into assets and empower us to move into a greater aspect of ourselves.

Want to shine bright, contact me to discuss the options.