
The Benefits of Salt

Aug 8, 2016 at 16:40

For a long time people have been following the low fat, low salt way of eating. like most things to do with health their are multiple options. There are those who suggest that salt is a key ingredient in our diets, especially when it comes to water absorption.

Salt plays many roles within our system. Ordinary table salt, sodium chloride while useful in industry is not going to be beneficial for maintaining health. We need a high quality natural mineral rich form, such as Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt. It currently makes a lot of sense not to be consuming salt that comes from a highly polluted source. Our seas like the rest of the planet is over polluted with a wide range of industrial toxins. Dumping our unwanted toxins into our waterways is not something new.

Without the correct balance of salts and water the body will not function correctly. If dehydration is an issue look at increasing your salt intake slightly and you may feel better and help the eater get into your cells not just body.