
The Healing Power of Anger

Sep 12, 2015 at 13:41

Anger is an intense emotion that destroys many people's lives, not always in the ways we may think. The inability to deal with and express in a healthy way is the underlying issue with many health issues. Cancer has been linked for some time to suppressed and unresolved anger.

Anger could be described as our passion used against ourselves.

Religious and New Age devotees are many times riddled with hidden anger as it is not proper to express in their particular mindset. When we block the flow of any emotion, resistance begins to form in the body. We become upright, more tense, a little more on edge. When it is deeply hidden we can become experts in the art of deception.

Anyone that can see through the lie becomes a threat and is dealt with in many clever ways. The sweet and innocent and the 'spiritually enlightened" are amongst the most dangerous. The whole charade is kept in place by keeping up appearances. I smile at times browsing through some of the spiritual sites. Some of the most angry people hangout in them, constantly pretending to be something they are not. Beware the hippy dressed volcano or the bible bashing Goody-to- shoes.

Suppressed anger is there for a reason, somehow or through someone the expression of anger was seen to be inappropriate. Children growing up in angry families either suppress the anger and in later life fall prey to an over dominate or aggressive partner. The other option is to become the bully. Neither is better than the other, both need to address their anger issues.

Domestic Violence is currently in the news. There is no good guy, bad guy in these situations. If we allow ourselves to be bullied, the bully will continue to act out their fears. It is not always an easy situation to deal with. we all need to do more soul searching and identify where we have dropped the ball when it comes to personal responsibility. No one has the right to abuse another person. No one has the right to let themselves be abused unless that is their choice.

The positive side of anger is it can empower us to make amazing changes that seemed impossible. Attitudes, beliefs, fears melt before the all encompassing power of anger turned to passion and directed constructively. Look at Gandhi, Mandela, Churchill, Keating.

When we fear our own anger we suppress our own passion and ability to change.

Go within, find your anger, own it. Find a creative way to release it. Your life will be all the better for doing so. 


If it scares you to much contact me and we will find a way forward.